Birth Year:

HJ is 18 now ,he started college in September of this year after spending 2 years in 6th form at his old school.
He is currently doing a Pathway to Employment course, that is 3 years long .
He attends a mainstream college ,but is the special educational needs building that is attached, and he goes 4 days, Mon-Thurs, and he loves it .
He is very social ,and uses the main cafeteria that's in the other part of college, which were very surprised about.
He loves gaming ( Spiderman 2) being his latest purchase, you tube, Tiktoker and he loves watching and supporting football, WWE ,boxing and basketball ,although getting him do any exercise is a different story .
He still loves coloring too, he has so many pens and coloring books !
He is also uncle Yaya now to 2 nephews (4yrs & 4 months) and a niece (2yrs) which he enjoys too.
He still makes everyone laugh and he could literally talk for England ,he just never stops !!!!
He is in to his fashion now too, and he knows what he likes !
He also just redesigned the décor in his bedroom right down to the door handles, and he made a really good job